The Kieber-Emmons Group

Bioinorganic Chemistry at the University of Utah

The Kieber-Emmons Group

Welcome! Here in the Kieber-Emmons lab we are motivated by the core value of creating supportive and inclusive environments to enable student development and success. We are all scientists with different intersectionalities including race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religious beliefs, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Diverse communities bring diverse perspective and when supported, we profoundly buy into the philosophy that these safe spaces foster dialog and intellectual growth thereby propelling science forward. As a diverse community we are greater than the sum of our parts and we believe science is for all.
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The Kieber-Emmons lab is committed to seeking answers to challenging scientific questions that are inspired by the phenomenal, chemical feats of nature. We work at the nexus of inorganic, biological and physical chemistry. Our lab is highly interdisciplinary and a rich training environment for students. Students learn technical skills in molecular biology, synthesis, spectroscopy and computations; but more importantly, they think critically about broad connections between fields. Our research is intrinsically collaborative and we promote supportive and inclusive working environments.